Who’s the Kettlebella?

Who’s the Kettlebella?

When MICHAELA FOULKES was first introduced to Russian Kettlebells in 2006, she found them to be the perfect alternative to traditional weight lifting

She’s has been professionally and successfully training individuals to use Kettlebells ever since. Her approach is patient, focused on form, and she instructs clients to listen to and trust the feedback they get from their bodies.

Her goal is to educate individuals as to how to avoid injury while working out or using their body in everyday life, as well as how to be strongest in any given move – whether that be in a sport, while moving a couch, etc. She does this in a two-part series dubbed Power & Pain.

“It’s thrilling to see individuals try something in a different way and surprise themselves. I love being a part of their newfound understanding and sense of freedom.” – Michaela

Learn more about Michaela, Still Point Massage and nutritional coaching services.